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Passed my NCLEX! Thank you for all your help over all the years of nursing school. If I had not done the testing skills tutoring with you in second semester, I am not sure I would have made it. Thank you for tutoring me throughout nursing school!

Divya, RN

Howard Community College 2023




I found this review on a google search and it was what I needed. I went to 150 and did not pass on my first attempt but I passed the first time after this review in 96 questions. If I did not make it, I would have lost the Army Nurse position. Lots of pressure! But now I am an Army Lieutenant/Army nurse. Thank you!!! Your strategies work!

Gyan S., RN

Salisbury University 2023




I was trying for 12 years to pass the NCLEX, around 15 attempts. I used Kaplan, HURST, three years of using UWorld, and others. After attending your in person review and online so I could really get the strategies down, I passed in only 88 questions. God did it for me. Your strategies work! Thanks a million times. I am now a RN, BSN. Thank you for being a wonderful teacher. Words cannot tell how much I appreciate you. Because it is has been so long, my license is inactive but all I have to do is take a quick nurse refresher course from Jan 22-Apr 18 then my RN license will be active. That is a lot easier than the NCLEX. I am so excited!

Marie C., RN

Trinity Washington University 2011

Washington D.C.



I took the nclex on 11/30/2023. Passed at 85 questions on my first attempt. Your strategies do work. Thank you for all you do. 

Chizoba E., RN

Care Hope College 2023




I would like to thank you for all of the great strategies that you taught me on how to approach/pass the NCLEX exam, they were very very  helpful. I passed NCLEX on my first attempt in only 91 questions. I am so glad that I found you before I took my exam. You are the best!

Esperanta G., RN

Jetmapp School of Nursing 2023




I just want to thank you for your help 87 % first exam for Fundamentals!


Howard Community College Nursing Student



I passed my boards!!!! The1st time! Thank you for all your help. All your tutoring sessions throughout nursing school were so helpful!

Stacy E., RN

Howard Community College 2023




All your tutoring helped me gets B's in nursing school and I used your advice on the NCLEX too.and passed! Thank you!

Cristia B., RN

Howard Community College 2023




I took the NCLEX on Wednesday and found out I passed, first try! Thank you so much for all your help throughout the past 15 months. You are a great educator!!!!

Kate B., RN

Howard Community College 2023




I wanted to let you know I passed the NCLEX first try! Thank you for all your help and guidance for the past year. You have been amazing! Thank you for EVERYTHING!

Molly N., RN

Howard Community College 2023



I want to take a brief moment to say THANK YOU for everything. The study strategies really do
work. I took my test on 8/1/2023. My test stopped at 100 questions. As soon as I walked in, I wrote
on my whiteboard the prioritization techniques verbatim because I did not want to miss any steps. I
made it this time, first time after your class! AGAIN THANK YOU SOO MUCH!! The strategies
work as long as you take your time and really focus on the questions and break them down
Brittany, RN
Howard Community College 2022


Good morning! I passed so much thanks to your strategies. I used all of them. My test was really
rough all my questions were hard! My test stopped at 138. It was so intense but I did it! Third try but
first time after this review! When I first started the review, it was so different than any other review. I
thought you were not teaching me anything because we were not doing content. But what you
taught me is HOW TO TAKE THE TEST!!! The first two times the test stopped me at 75
questions. I had no idea what I was missing or doing wrong. THANKS SO SO SO SO MUCH
Kingsley, RN
University of St. Thomas 2022

Good afternoon! I passed my board exam on Wednesday. My question stopped at 85. Thank you
for all your strategies! They work!
Mary, RN
Pensacola Nursing School 2022


I went over 85 but not far into that. I felt like I failed it. It was easy then it went super hard. Thank
you so much for all your help getting through this exam the first time! I used everything you taught
Shannon, RN
University of Maine at Augusta 2023


I did it. I have spent three years trying to pass the NCLEX. The first time after your review, my 7th
attempt, I went all the way to the end but did not make it. But I knew I was close. I also admit I did
not trust what you taught me completely and was still using other advice to decide my answers. This
time after a went through your review again, I knew I need to trust everything you taught me even
the way you told me to study and what to do the night before. I went in and I did it! I passed 119 questions. Thank you so much!!!”
Martha, RN

Whew! So glad it is over! Thank God! Couldn’t have done this without you! So grateful for your
guidance, patience and knowledge to get me to this point. And not to give up on myself. You are the
Nichole, RN

University of Maryland 2022

My third try but first time after your class and I passed! Thank you for all your help! Thank you for letting me join the class even last minute! Your strategies are great!
Victoria, RN

Salisbury University 2023


I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for all the help and tuoring for the past 1.5 years! You definitely
helped me to survive the program and understand things a lot better. Happy to update you that I
passed everything, including the ATI exit exam! I am officially a nursing graduate!

HCC May 2023 

Hello! I am pleased to inform you that I passed my NCLEX exam I took Monday 3/27. The
strategy was very helpful to me. I passed with 95 questions. Thank you so much. I am very grateful
that I found you on YouTube and happy that I took the class. Keep up your strategies. They are
helping many students like myself. 
Diaka, RN
Washington Adventist 2021


Thank you! I passed my NCLEX today in 77 questions. After failing 6 times with 145 questions. I
am happy to say I passed first time after attending your class. Your strategies are good indeed!
Jessica, RN
Renaissance Health Institute 2019


I took the NCLEX and it went really well! I got stopped at 77 questions. I got the good pop up and
found out I passed today! Thank you for everything you taught me!
Mary, RN
Montgomery Community College 2022




I got a 95% on my Med Surg final and passed the class. Thank you for your help in our turtoring session! I needed an 80% to pass the class. 


Community College of Baltimore County Nursing Student 



Hi! You tutored me this past week.  I wanted to give you an update that I passed my Med Surg final today (3/13) with an A!  I will keep you in mind for future tutoring sessions. Thank you!


Community College of Baltimore County Nursing Student




All throughout nursing school I did well even made the Dean's list my last semester! Thus I expected the NCLEX to be obtainable on my own. I came to Sine Strategies as a repeat NCLEX taker...I was not only given the tools to succeed on my second try in 75 questions but helped me gain a confidence that would have been very difficult to achieve without help! After my class and private sessions my only regret was not taking the classes sooner.

Nathalie, RN

Salisbury University Dec 2022 




I got an 88 on my first Advanced Med Surg exam. Thank you for the tutoring sessions!
Howard CC Nursing Student




I got a 89 on my Peds/Maternity exam! Thank you for the tutoring. It helped!

Howard CC Peds/Maternity Nursing Student




I'm still in disbelief that I woke up a RN today! There aren't enough words of thanks to say to you for helping me get to the other side! Up until my test, I studied 3, maybe 4 hours per day. I utilized your strategies and noticed my scores started going up, 80-85%. As you know, this was my 3rd attempt. The 1st two I went to the max 145 questions, only to come up short. This time, less than 2 hours later, my test shut off at 77 questions! About an hour later, my RN license was sent via email. I just sat and bawled my eyes out!  I couldn't believe it! Because of this review, I approached each question with confidence, I knew how to answer each one! I just wish I had known about you before attempt #2! LOL I wanted to leave you with these re-trained my thinking and approach to the NCLEX!  I listened to your instructions, I studied and applied your rules, and today I'm a RN! Tell your students they can have confidence in what you're teaching them because I am one of MANY that KNOW it WORKS!! TRUST THE METHOD and don't deviate from it!! Thank you is never going to be enough...but, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You have literally changed my future!! AMAZING!

Laura, RN

Oakland Community College Dec 2021 




I want to let you know that I passed my NCLEX. I am so happy right now, I cried for the last 30 mins. Thank you soo much for helping me, reaching back out to me and believing in me even when I was doubting myself. I'm so ecstatic!

Ashley, RN

Coppin State 2022




Thank you for the psyche study session review. I got 91% on the first exam!

HCC Nursing Student 



Good morning, 

Thanks for the strategies.  Took my NCLEX yesterday and completed in 76 questions. I took your suggestions. They were helpful. I took my break, remained calm and stayed the course. My RN number made it to the MBON website. I passed my first attempt! Thank you for all that you do!

Kim, RN

Anne Arundel Community College Dec 2022 




Thank you, thank you! I kept telling myself this is my season! I woke up to my license number. I graduated in 2019 and the last time I tried was in June 2021. This was my first attempt after this review. I went all the way to 145 but I passed! Thank you for all of your help. 

Taylor, RN

Wheeling Jesuit 2019 

West Virginia



I stopped at 75. First time after this review. I was worried because I have failed at 75 before and also went to 145 before. I used all of your principles and regardless of the outcome I could tell I was understanding questions a lot better this time and my way of thinking was a lot better. I passed!!!

Alexia, RN

Mount Carmel graduate



I passed my NCLEX, first try, 75 questions. Thank you for the resources you shared with me. They prepared me well for the test.

Michael, RN

University of Maryland 2023 graduate

I just recently took my NCLEX and passed in 75 questions. First try! I wanted to thank you so much for the past two years. You have helped me tremendously and I credit you so much to helping me achieve my degree!!! I’m so excited to become and RN. I am truly so blessed.  Thanks so much for everything!!

Abbey, RN

Howard Community College 2023 graduate



To God be the glory. I have passed my board exams. Thanks so much for everything. I am grateful!

Olu, RN

Texas graduate


Hello.. just updating you
I got a 86 on my first Med surg exam. Thank you for the question session!

Community College of Baltimore County


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