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I got a 84% on my last exam!!! I have been getting C’s and D’s on the exams before your tutoring session. Thank you! I am encouraged!


-HCC Med Surg 1 student 2022


I got a 80% on my exam!!! That is my first B! Now I have a chance of passing. I am excited to study now and I feel positive. Thank you for the tutoring and testing skills session! You taught me how to break down the questions. It works!


-HCC Fundamentals student 2022


Hi!! I scored an 86%!!! Best I have done so far! Thank you for the tutoring!


-Carroll Community College Fundamentals student 2022


Good morning, it’s official!!!. Just passed my NCLEX, I couldn’t wait to scream out. Thank you so much for putting me in the right direction. I’m super grateful. May God continue to bless all your efforts and training in helping people like us to understand NCLEX. Thank you!


-Phoebe, RN ( Nigeria trained RN, 2011)


I passed! This time my experience was completely different.  I would never be able to do it without you! Thank you so much!


-Natalea, RN (University of Maryland Grad 2022)


Thank you so much for your help and guidance through this time and I felt your teachings with a lot of the question types I was struggling with. I made it this time! Thank you again for helping me get here


-Jenna, RN (University of Maryland Grad 2022)


Thank you for the tutoring session! I got a 80% on my med surg exam! Thank you!


-HCC Med Surg 1 student, 2022


Thank you so much. I could not have done it without you. The review and then the few private tutoring appointments after changed the way I had been looking at the questions. I passed the NCLEX this time.  Thank you!


-Emani, RN (Coppin University Nursing Grad 2022)


Thank you ma’am for all your help. Changing my date and studying those questions were the best thing I ever did. I passed the NCLEX in only 93 questions. Thank you!


-Titi, RN (Nursing Grad)


Thank you so much! I did it this time and passed my NCLEX. I should have come to you before my first attempt but I had so many people telling me what to do, I just listened to them. I tutored with you throughout school and should have just stayed with you for NCLEX too. I am happy I came back though when I needed help! I left you a testimony on facebook!”


-Michelle, RN (Coppin University Grad, 2022)


I just found out this morning that I officially passed nclex!!! I wish I had taken the nclex prep with you before I took my first attempt! This time I was done in 75 questions! Thank you so much for helping me with testing strategies, your questions are a huge help because I think they are very similar to nclex questions.


-Dim, RN (Howard CC Grad, 2022)


“I don’t know how I can thank you for your strategies and support. Everything you taught me was lots of questions. I got 906 points with a grade of 78.61%. I got at least 40 SATA questions that were a little bit challenging but, I made them. The school exits me and asks me to do ATI questions and apply for the board in one week. Thanks a lot. I couldn’t have made it without your help. Thank you again.”


-Arlette, Nursing Grad 2022, Florida University


“Hope you are doing well! I wanted to let you know that I took the NCLEX for the first time this Tuesday and I passed. Thank you so much for all your help, and encouragements. Your tips and strategies really aided me in this exam. It kept me focused and organized. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!”


-Josie, RN (Montgomery CC Grad, 2022)


I passed my NCLEX-RN – 75 questions  Thank you so much for following up with me . Thank you for giving me the tools necessary to tackle NCLEX. I couldn’t have done it without you, I used your strategies and I can testify that it made a lot of difference. Sine strategies are magical! I also want to specifically thank you for following up with me personally after the review was over, your kind is rare. Thank you for believing in me, and encouraging me.  God bless you always. 


-Idiat, RN (Texas Grad)


“I took the NCLEX for the first time on 6/21, finished in 75 and got my license 7/1! I’m so glad you were there for me through my nursing school journey; definitely wouldn’t have survived without you!!”


-Jackie, RN (HCC Grad, 2022)


“Just an update – I took my NCLEX on Aug 2nd and passed first try!! Your techniques and teaching style throughout nursing school were so valuable to me. Thank you literally from the bottom of my heart for EVERYTHING – You’re awesome!”


-Gigi, RN (HCC Grad, 2022)


“Thank you! I couldn’t done nursing school without you. I did pass your information along to a current student. Thank you again!”


-Jumarna, RN (HCC Grad, 2022)


“Passed the NLCEX first try! Thank you!!!! Couldn’t have done nursing school with out you!!!!”


-Zipporah, RN (HCC Grad, 2022)


“All finished nursing school!!!!  Thank you for all of your help over the last 2 years!!!!  Not sure I could have done it without you :)”


-Katie, RN (HCC Grad, 2022)


“I tested on July 11th and passed first try! I started working as a RN July 17th. Thank you sooo much! Your study sessions definitely helped me. Really appreciate you.”


-Nkem, RN (HCC Grad, 2022)


“I just wanted to share the good news today. I passed my Nclex thanks to your prep course!!!! I had a totally different experience this time and I think that was due to the confidence you gave me on how to tackle the questions. Can’t thank you enough for all the knowledge you’ve given me through nursing school with hesi and nclex. Thank you again!!!


-Savannah, RN (Carroll Community College Grad, 2022)


“ATI exit exam went well. I passed first try predicted with a 93% chance of passing the NCLEX first time! Thank you for all the study groups over the last two years, its been quite a journey. I would not have made it this far without you. I have learnt so much from you.”


-Liz, HCC Grad, Summer 2022


“I took the Nclex on Monday for the first time and just found out that I passed. Thank you for all your help. Glad I found you for my final med surg class, exit and NCLEX. After working with you, I did not struggle anymore and my fellow students were even asking me what I was doing to be successful. You taught me how to study and take tests better. I gained so much confidence! I am truly gratefully.”


-Victoria, RN (Montgomery Community College Grad, 2022)


“I just wanted to let you know I passed the NCLEX this time! Thank you so much for all your help. I learned the right way to take this test!! I’ll definitely recommend to all my friends!”


-Diana, RN (Concordia University, Texas 2021 grad)


“I passed the NCLEX first try!!! Couldn’t have done any of it the last two years without you!!


-Janeen, RN (HCC 2022 grad)


“I just wanted to thank you for all your help and sharing your knowledge with me and everyone in the study group for the last two years. I’m happy to let you know that I have passed the NCLEX first try. I honestly don’t think I could have done it without your sessions. Thank again!”


-Flor, RN (HCC 2022 grad)


All First time post ATI exit exam review with only 3 days to study:
“I passed the exam. Thank you for all the help you have given me during the nursing school.”
“I am all done!! I passed! THANK YOU! I couldn’t haven’t done this last 2 years without you.”
“I passed ….. woo hoo. Thank you for every thing. I wanted to let you know yesterday, but came back home soo tired. But I am happy. Once again thank you.”
“Thank you so much for all your help!!!! I passed!!! I got A on medsurg too. Thank you soooooo much!!! You are the best!!! I would love to come for the NCLEX session you will have for the group too. Thank you so much again!!!!”
“Passed my exit exam! Thank you so much!! All your tips and tricks helped me so much! I can’t believe it. I was worried about passing the class and ended up with a B- thank you so much for everything.”
“I passed!!! OMG!!!!!”
“I passed! Thanks so much for all your help with teaching me test taking strategies. What an absolute game changer! Please keep me in the loop for Nclex prep sessions. I’d love to participate!”


-HCC students, 2022 Graduates


“I got an A on my last med surg 2 exam. I can’t believe it. My best grade in nursing school so far. I used your strategy- it helped wonders with each question. I owe you big time- so thankful for you!”


-Jamie, HCC Nursing Student, 2022


3/7 “I got your number from my coworker. She was telling me about how she took your classes and was able to pass her NCLEX the first time after attending your review despite being 10 years of out of school and 11 NCLEX attempts. I graduated in Dec 2019 and have taken boards 3x and just can’t seem to pass.” 4/23 “I passed first time since your review! Thank you so much for all your help!!”


-Angelyca, RN 2019 Grad, Florida


“Hello! I am updating you that I did well on the last exam 87%. Thank you!”


-HCC Fundamentals student


“I wanted to let you know I got a 83% on the Fundamentals exam. Thank you for all you are doing for new nurses!”


-HCC Fundamentals student


“I got kind of nervous but I kept going. I was so ready to get through this test. I passed! Thank you so much for everything.”


Univ of MD 2021 Grad

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